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Fall Music — Cornucopia of Lydian Awesomeness!

Hello most excellent Song Leaders,

A new season is upon us and we are celebrating in style, with new songs, including some written for us by some of our awesome Lydian songwriter/composers, Angela Morris, Debbie Holloway, and Meave Shelton.

Because so many of these songs are new, I recommend that you begin learning them as soon as possible, so that by the time you arrive at church for rehearsal, you’ll feel comfortable with them.  Even if you’re not on the schedule, it would be great for you to learn these, because . . .

1.  Having a few strong voices who know the material in the congregation helps other singers feel more confident.

2.  If a scheduled Song Leader needs to cancel, you can step in knowing you’re already familiar with the material.

Okay, behold the awesomeness of our musical selections:For gathering hymns, we have three new songs from which to choose, and each of them has a justice theme:
“The Mighty Will Fall” 

“Lament for Zion” 

“Till the Moon Is No More”

For lamp lighting songs, we have two options:

“The Lord Is My Light” — Note: this is the Taizé version (not the version we’ve sung during Eastertide)

“This Path I Do Not Know”

We’ll be singing the Fall Table Acclamation, another new addition.

Our prayer song selections remain the same as always

The song we’ll sing as we regather after cleanup and pass the collection plates will be “Amen,” an old favorite.

Our final hymns are . . .

Spirit, I Have Heard You Calling,” which we’ll sing through Monday, October 3, and . . .

Come, Come Ye Saints,” which will sing starting on Sunday, October 9.

Thank you for being a part of making Saint Lydia’s a place where we celebrate each other’s voices and creative energy.  Let the autumnal splendor begin!

Posted in: Songs We Sing

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