
You’re looking for an experience of the holy.

One that is strong enough to lean on, deep enough to question, and challenging enough to change you. If you’re not sure what you believe, rest assured that neither are we. We place practice before belief, trusting that eating, praying and singing together moves us deeper into faith. Instead of trying to figure out what we believe, we’re trying to live what we practice.

St. Lydia’s is a church that gathers to share a sacred meal, as the first followers of Jesus did. Simple unaccompanied music is sung, scripture explored, and prayers offered, all in the context of a home-cooked meal.

Worship Services

At St. Lydia’s, worship takes place at the table around a big, delicious meal that we cook together. Communion is made as we share food and ourselves by exploring scripture, singing and praying together.

  • Tell stories, work together, share the meal. Every Sunday, arrive between 5:30 - 6:00 P.M.

    Check social media for COVID, holiday, or weather updates, and click here to learn more about Dinner Church.

    You are very welcome here!

  • Sticky faith for friends and families! The second Sunday of each month at 11:00 A.M.

    Check social media for COVID, holiday, or weather updates, and click here to learn more about Waffle Church.

    You are very welcome here!

  • Photo of an event

    Explore what's happening in the life of the church, and more!

  • Photo of Easter Vigil

    Explore the archives: music, sermons, liturgy, and more!

  • Learn more about our history, commitment to justice, and beyond.


  • Dr. Jonathan M. Oliver

    Pastoral Coverage Vicar

    Jonathan serves on New York Disaster Interfaith Services’ (NYDIS) Executive Staff team as both the chief program officer and providing oversight of all strategic initiatives for NYDIS and NYDIS’ Emergency Shelter Network.  His career has been dedicated to advancing social justice and fostering interfaith collaboration. With over two decades of experience, he has passionately developed and enhanced strategies and programs that bridge the gap between religion and social justice, working closely with faith and community-based partners as well as government entities. He holds a Ph.D. from Texas A&M University, M.Div. from Union Theological Seminary, an MSW from Hunter College, an M.Ed. from the University of Texas, and a BBA from University of North Texas. He is also a National Disaster Interfaith Network certified Disaster Chaplain.

  • Hallie Stotler

    Hallie Stotler

    Waffle Church Minister

    Hallie is a music educator, conductor, contralto soloist, and singer-songwriter in NYC. A native New Yorker, Hallie grew up the daughter of a professional folk singer, and can often be found playing fiddle, guitar, and mandolin at folk music venues in the tri-state area. Hallie is a strong proponent of singing as a vehicle for individual and community empowerment. She holds a B.A. in Music from Vassar College and and a M.A. in Music Education from Hunter College.

    photo by Jack Holloway

  • Debbie Holloway

    Debbie Holloway

    Community Coordinator & Space Use Manager

    Debbie is a Brooklyn-based community builder with professional experience in events, food, film criticism, editing, theatre, and music-making. She has worked with the James Beard Foundation, the Museum of Food and Drink, Narrative Muse, Directed by Women, the Food Education Fund, Music that Makes Community, and Morbid Instinct Collective, and has been a congregant at St. Lydia’s since 2015.

    photo by Amanda Crommett

  • Billy McEntee

    Leadership Table Chair

  • Brad Watson

    Brad Watson

    Leadership Table Treasurer

  • Deborah Chi

    Creative Bond Program Director

Additional Leadership Table Members

St. Lydia’s is guided by a Leadership Table which, directed by the Holy Spirit, reads the spiritual compass of the community, measures the bearings of all that has come before, and takes soundings of what lies beneath. You can write to the Leadership Table at leadershiptable@stlydias.org.

Angela Morris

Burke Gerstenschläger

Deborah Chi

Sarah Confessore

St. Lydia’s is in the process of discernment to hire a new pastor! Please inquire to info@stlydias.org with interest or questions.

Want to know more?