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“Day by Day”

This is NOT the song from Godspell but an older hymn, with words by the Swedish poet Lina Sandell, and music by Swedish composer Oskar Ahnfelt, who wrote tunes for many of Lina Sandell’s hymns.
The translation is by American composer Robert Leaf.

Here are the words:

Day by day, your mercies, Lord, attend me,
Bringing comfort to my anxious soul.
Day by day, the blessings, Lord, you send me
Draw me nearer to my heav’nly goal.
Love divine, beyond all mortal measure,
Brings to naught the burdens of my quest;
Savior, lead me to the home I treasure,
Where, at last, I’ll find eternal rest.

Day by day, I know you will provide me
Strength to serve and wisdom to obey;
I will seek your loving will to guide me
O’er the paths I struggle day by day.
I will fear no evil of the morrow;
I will trust in your enduring grace.
Savior, help me bear life’s pain and sorrow;
Till in glory I behold your face.

Oh, what joy to know that you are near me
When my burdens grow too great to bear;
Oh, what joy to know that you will hear me
When I come, O Lord, to you in prayer.
Day by day, no matter what betide me,
You will hold me ever in your hand.
Savior, with your presence here to guide me,
I will reach at last the promised land.

Savior, with your presence here to guide me,
I will reach at last the promised land.

Here’s the sheet music.

And here’s a recording.

Posted in: Songs We Sing

“Jesus Christ Is Risen Today”

“Jesus Christ Is Risen Today” is a centuries old Easter and Eastertide hymn.

We’ve updated the lyrics, which are reflected on this version of the sheet music.

And if you’d like to practice along, here’s a nice recording.

Posted in: Songs We Sing

Trinity Sunday 2020: Matthew 28: 16-20 – Christian

Christian’s Sermon for Ash Wednesday

Christian’s Sermon for Ash Wednesday

The first couple of minutes are not recorded, but Christian has just described how at 8, he thought he’d be helpful and took out the tractor plow to clear snow and ran it off the driveway, then went back to get the car and chain to pull it out. We join the story there…

Posted in: Sermons

Music for All Saints’ Day Observances 2016

Hello Song Leaders,

Here’s the music will be using for All Saints’ Day, 2016, which we will observe on Sunday, October 30 and Monday, October 31.  All Saints’ Day is a time when we remember those who have died, and the service music reflects this theme of remembrance and the strange mixture of wonder, sadness, and joy that we feel when remembering those we’ve lost.

Gathering song: “There Are Angels Hovering Round”  (This is a traditional song but may be new to many at Saint Lydia’s)

Lamp Lighting song: “Come Light of Lights

Table Acclamation: “Fall Acclamation

Prayer Song: Song Leader’s choice

Post-cleanup Gathering Song: “Zimbabwe  Alleluia

Final Hymn: “For All the Saints

It’s a special day for the congregation, and your song leading provides a great invitation for people to take part in this celebration of remembrance.  Thank you for that!

Posted in: Songs We Sing

Palm Burning Party and Ash Wednesday Service

Palm Burning Party

Let’s set fire to last year’s palms, make some ashes, eat some pancakes,

drink some drinks, and celebrate the last day before Lent.

please bring beer or other beverages to share.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

7:00 pm

304 Bond Street, Brooklyn



Ash Wednesday Service

Ash Wednesday is a day in the Christian calendar when we remember our mortality.

We are marked with a sign of the cross on our foreheads in ashes, and told, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

This ritual marks the beginning of the season of Lent, a time to pare away all that is unnecessary and simplify our lives, that we might be better able to hear God’s

St. Lydia’s will be open from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm to distribute ashes;

A short, meditative service with distribution of ashes will take place at 7:00


If you would like to help distribute ashes during the day or evening,

write Julia and let her know when you’re available.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

7:00 pm

304 Bond Street, Brooklyn

Posted in: News & Updates

Get It Done Tuesday, June 23

Get It Done Tuesdays:






Tuesday, June 23, 2015

9:00 am – 5:30 pm

304 Bond Street, Brooklyn


Attend a Get it Done Tuesday at St. Lydia’s — a day designed to help you get re-focused, refreshed, and recalibrated to do your best work.


If you’re feeling stuck on something, can’t sort out which steps to take first, or just need to burn through your to-do list, this day will be just right for you.



9:00 Space open for work, coffee available

10:00 Silent Meditation and Goal Setting

10:15 Work!

1:00 Shared lunch and Workshopping Work Challenges

2:00 Work!

3:30 Short afternoon walk/stretch break and warm cookies

5:30 Check in and Goal Setting for rest of week

5:45 Stay on and keep working if you like!


$20.00 payable on site

Free for Co-working At St. Lydia’s members

Click Here to Sign Up



Posted in: Co-working

Psalm Refrains for Palm Sunday/Monday and Good Friday

Squeezebox is a place for our Song Leaders, as well as congregants, to learn the songs we sing at St. Lydia’s.

Greetings, Song Leaders!

Here are two psalm refrains that we’ll be using on Palm Sunday/Monday and on Good Friday.  The texts are different but the musical settings are the same.

The first text, which we will sing at the end of the Palm Sunday/Monday services and at the beginning of the Good Friday service is from Psalm 42:

When shall I see

When shall I behold

When shall I behold the face of God?


Here is the recording.  When Shall I See — audio

And here is a link to the sheet music.When Shall I See — sheet music


The second text, which we will sing during the Labyrinth walk on Good Friday is from Psalm 22:

My God, my God

Why have you forsaken

Why have you forsaken me?


Here is a link to a recording.  Why Have You Forsaken Me — audio

And here is a link to the sheet music.  Why Have You Forsaken Me — sheet music



Even if you are not scheduled to lead the singing on these days, by taking a moment to learn the refrains, you can help support the congregation as we sing them.


Posted in: Songs We Sing

Everyday Escapees

By Dean Young

My poor students, all I ask of them
is to grow antennae, lie down with lava
and rise with snow, grow tongues from
their math assignments and no, Melissa,

your mother won’t approve of the bioluminescent
smear on your communion dress. The world fidgets
in uneasy relationship to our statements
about it nevertheless producing silver

buds from ragged limbs like the luster
in late Frank Sinatra songs. Finally,
when I got off the sixth floor, I felt
like I was walking out into the sky

and aren’t we all pedestrians of air?
Doesn’t it feel all wrong to turn our backs
on the ocean? On an ant? On those Chagall
windows you have to go through a gauntlet

of ancient armor to get to? What was her name,
that night nurse so deft her blood draws
didn’t wake me up? Don’t get me wrong, I want
to wake up. I want my old dog to show me

all that wolf-light she hides inside
even though she thinks I won’t understand,
even though her vet and I conspire
to keep her alive forever.

read at St. Lydia’s on 2/2/2014

Posted in: Poems

St. Lydia’s seeks Sunday Night Coordinator

St. Lydia’s is seeking a seminarian to serve as Coordinator at our Sunday evening services.  The Coordinator’s role is to keep the gears moving smoothly for our Sunday night worship services.  Coordinators receive a food order at 5:00 pm, open the doors at 5:30, welcome and orient lay leaders (cooks, deacons, and song leaders) as they arrive, and assist in welcoming and involving congregants and newcomers, then assist in “closing up shop” at the end of the evening.  Responsibilities are limited to Sunday evening.

We are looking for a seminarian, seminary graduate, or equivalent, to fill this role.  Strong candidates will be consistent, detail-oriented, and have an inviting presence and a gift for hospitality.  The Coordinator should be able to be present at most Sunday services throughout the academic year.  Availabltiy through the summer is preferable but not required.  The coordinator receives a $60 stipend per Sunday.

Interested candidates should contact Emily Scott, pastor, at emily@stlydias.org by Wednesday, September 4.  Please include a brief paragraph about yourself.  Include experience that you think would be relevant to the position.

Posted in: News & Updates