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Archive for the 'Meeting Notes' Category

Governance Meeting #7 Notes

St. Lydia’s is in the midst of a process of discernment and creation as we put a Governance System in place for our community.  With a governance system, we will have more formal ways of making decisions together as a community.  Here are the notes from our meeting on August 27, 2012.

Governance Thinktank Meeting #6 Notes

St. Lydia’s is in the midst of a process of discernment and creation as we put a Governance System in place for our community.  With a governance system, we will have more formal ways of making decisions together as a community.  Here are the notes from our meeting on July 16, 2012.

Governance Thinktank Meeting #5 Notes

St. Lydia’s is in the midst of a process of discernment and creation as we put a Governance System in place for our community.  With a governance system, we will have more formal ways of making decisions together as a community.  Here are the notes from our meeting on June 25, 2012.

Governance Meeting #3 Notes

St. Lydia’s is in the midst of a process of discernment and creation as we put a Governance System in place for our community.  With a governance system, we will have more formal ways of making decisions together as a community.  Here are the notes from our meeting on April 24, 2012.

Governance Think Tank Meeting #4 Notes

St. Lydia’s is in the midst of a process of discernment and creation as we put a Governance System in place for our community.  With a governance system, we will have more formal ways of making decisions together as a community.  Here are the notes from our meeting on May 14, 2012.

New York Metropolitan Synod Assembly Notes

Last week Emily and Phil attended the annual New York Metropolitan Lutheran Synod Assembly meeting in Long Island. The following is a reflection that Phil wrote about the experience for our edification and education.   Emily and I attended the annual New York metro area Lutheran synod assembly last Friday. It was very inspiring, very […]

Governance Think Tank Meeting #2

Read the notes from our most recent Governance Think Tank meeting, which took place on February 28, 2012.  At the meeting, we were discussing St. Lydia’s purpose and developing a Purpose Statement as we seek to create a governance system by which our community can make decisions together. Congregants have been asked to draft a […]

Governance Meeting #1 Notes, 1/30/12

St. Lydia’s is in the process of discerning a Governance System — a structured way of making decisions together as a body. Take a look at the notes from our first Governance Think Tank Meeting, held on January 30, 2012.

Notes from the Cooks’ Meeting

Notes are up as a Google doc, please peruse them here.

Posted in: Meeting Notes

Community Meeting Notes

The notes from our January 8 Community Meeting are up.  Give them a read and send any responses you might have to Emily by January 26th!

Posted in: Meeting Notes