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Music for Fall 2020

Most beautiful song leaders,

This fall, as our scriptures and preaching explore right relationship with ourselves, each other, money, the world around us, and God, we’ll be singing songs that resonate with that theme. Our menu of music includes:

Gathering song: Lament for Zion (by our own Debbie Holloway)

Candle Lighting song: Lead Me, Guide Me

Table Acclamation: Fall Table Acclamation (by our own Meave Shelton)

Prayer Song: Song Leader’s choice (as always).

Gathering for Offering: We have two new ones from which to choose:

1. Yea, O God
2. What Does the Lord Require of You?

Final Hymn: God Whose Giving Knows No Ending

If you have a song you’d like to lead that isn’t on this list, you are welcome to lead it. We ask only that you familiarize yourself with how we choose our repertoire and that you notify Christian or Jake ahead of time.

Thank you for holding your community in song!

Posted in: Songs We Sing

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